What To Invest or Trade In Now? Free Trading Signals

In addtion to the previous post of Which Currency to Invest In? I will add in from time to time in this blog some other instruments that you can trade or invest in based on the commitment of traders report or commitment of traders COT proxy.

These will give you some trading ideas and save you the hassle of scanning through the whole list of instruments. This will save you time, energy and money. These are provided to you for free. You can choose to use them if you want them to help you in making your trading or investing decisions.

I will be covering various instruments which includes currencies, stocks, commodities, etc. I will cover international stocks also. I will cover both long and short trades.

However please note that while I may give you the entry signal, I may or may not have the time to give you the exit signal. That, you will have to work it on your own if I do not provide them. It is your responsibility to monitor your own portfolio. If you require any help, please contact me.

Please also note that I am not authorised to provide any financial advice, any advice taken by you will be under your own risk and responsibility.


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