Panin Financial Tbk - JSX

Panin Financial Tbk - JSX

The commercials are loading up on this stock. However the prices are going lower. What is happening?

The commercials do not always buy at the lowest prices. They accumulate the stock because they have a need to. An example will be like the big commercials such as Hersheys, Cadbury. They buy cocoa because they have need to. They need to come out with the chocolate products to sell to the masses. They buy no matter how low or how high the price of cocoa might be.

But we are not here to understand the reasons why they buy or sell. We just follow what they do because we know they have the power to influence the price. When they buy prices will usually go up and when they sell prices usually will go down.

This might be a good time to buy into it as prices are lower than when some of the commercials started buying. However don't forget about the stop-loss! Be ready!


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